New trends in Hybrid Ultrasonic Imaging

The conference is part of the ANR project ADVENTURES - (ANR-12-BLAN-BS01-0001-01) and aims to gather around hybrid imaging techniques (as thermo and photo acoustic tomography problems for example), both from the mathematical and physical modeling, numerics and experimentation points of view. Participants are from the mathematical community (inverse problems, Radon transform, parameter identification, EDP, waves ...) and physical (acoustic and optics).

 The schedule is available in PDF here 


Confirmed speakers
Organizing Committee
G. Alberti (ETH Zürich)
M. Anastasio (Washington University in St Louis)
E. Bossy (ESPCI Paris and EPF Lausanne)
B. Cox (University College London)
P. Elbau (University of Vienna)
J. Garnier (Université Paris 7)
T. Glatz (University of Vienna)
A. Lepape (CIPA- Orléans- Tours)
F. Lucka (University College London)
P. Millien (EPF Lausanne)
L. Mindrinos (University of Vienna)
D. Razansky (Université de Munich)
O. Scherzer (Université de Vienne)
J.C. Schotland (University of Michigan)
T. Tarvainen (Univ. Of Eastern Finland, Kuopio)
R. Zemp (Université d'Alberta)
M. Bergounioux (MAPMO)
T. Haberkorn (MAPMO)
C. Lucas (MAPMO)
P. Jaming (IMB- Bordeaux)
Scientific Committee
M. Bergounioux (MAPMO)
A. Da Silva (Institut Fresnel, Marseille)
P. Jaming (IMB- Bordeaux)
A. Litman (Institut Fresnel, Marseille)
Y. Privat (LJLL, Paris 6)
O. Scherzer (Université de Vienne)

The conference will take place in the former bishop's palace of Orléans, the Dupanloup hotel,1 rue Dupanloupsituated behind the cathedral, in city center of Orléans.

Virtual visit of the site is available

http: // / watch? V=TH23XAmLt_U

The Dupanloup hotel is accessible on foot from the station of Orléans and the various hotels of the city center.

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